Queen Elizabeth Lived to 96, 8 Healthy Habits That Helped Her

Queen Elizabeth Lived to 96, 8 Healthy Habits That Helped Her

Queen Elizabeth, born April 21, 1926, died September 8, 2022, aged 96 years and four months.

How did Queen Elizabeth live so long? much of the credit goes to her extremely healthy lifestyle.

Queen Elizabeth's lunch was a priority, and it was served at 8:30 sharp every morning.

A Healthy Lunch

She loved horses so much and they have been an integral part of Queen Elizabeth's life from a very young age.

Horse Riding

Queen Elizabeth has always loved corgis (pet dog), which she referred to as her "family".

Have a pet

Elizabeth was often photographed laughing, she was known for her frank sense of humor.

She was always laughing

Queen Elizabeth started her days with a cup of Earl Gray tea without sugar, with a little milk.

Drink tea

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth seemed extremely close. Being in a happily married couple has health benefits.

Happy married life

Loneliness and isolation can shorten your lifespan. Queen Elizabeth had a tight-knit group of loved ones who were there when she needed them.

Surrounded with Family

Gardening and walking outdoors were two of Elizabeth's favorite pastimes. She was often photographed strolling through garden.

Enjoy nature